How does it work?
Create your own customised referral link
Share your referral link with friends and family via WhatsApp, social media
They open and use accounts*
You enjoy referral benefits*
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What is the Ventura Refer & Earn program?

Refer & earn ₹450 per account*
*Your referred accounts should log in to our mobile app 'Ventura Wealth' & generate a referral commission of ₹100/- in account opening month + 2 months e.g. Account opened in August 2022, login and referral commission of ₹100/- to be done by October 2022

Is there a limit on the number of referrals that can be considered for refer & earn program?

Yes, maximum of 6 successful referrals per month would be considered

What is your earning potential in the Ventura Refer and Earn program?

₹2700/- per month

How to refer someone to open an account under a referral program?

  1. Generate your referral link
  2. Share this referral link with your referrals to open the account

When will you be rewarded?

The pay out of referrals will be processed on 15th of every month in your bank account linked with the trading/demat account, once the requisite conditions are met

Who are the referrer and referee?

A Referrer is an existing client of VSL, who refers to a friend/family for opening an account with VSL. A Referee is a person being referred to open an account with VSL.

If a client does not have a VSL account, can they avail of the Referral Program?

No, the client cannot give a reference if he/she does not have an account with VSL. Client code is mandatory for referring.

Can employees participate in the refer and earn program?


Does the referee need to submit any documents after Successful account opening?

Yes, the Referee needs to submit a duly signed POA after Account Opening and within Account Opening + 2 months.

Generate your referral link

Share Now

  1. What's a referral link?

    It's a link to an account opening form. You share it with your friends and family; they click on it, fill in the form and submit and we open their account

  2. Why do I have to create one?

    When your friends and family open accounts using your referral link, we know they have come through you

  3. How do I create it?
    • Enter your client code
    • Click on Generate link
    • Receive your customized link. It's as simple as that!

" Happy to assist: [email protected] | 022 67747529 "

Attention Investors "Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your account – Update your mobile number / email ID with your stock brokers.
Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your mobile / email at the end of the day.
Issued in the interest of Investors

Contact Us

Registered Office:
Ventura Securities Limited, I-Think Techno Campus, “B” Wing, 8th Floor, Pokhran Road No. 2, Off. Eastern Express Highway, Thane (West) - 400 607 Maharashtra.

Tel : +91-22-67547000, +91-22-25498500
Fax : +91-22-25498580, +91-22-67547010
Email : [email protected], [email protected]

Dealing Desk / Call & Trade Equity: 8433693369 | Commodity : 8433573357

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Our Presence

Member of NSE, BSE, MCX & NCDEX. Depository Participant of NSDL & CDSL.
SEBI Registration No.INZ000194736 (Stock Broker), IN-DP-565-2021 (Depository Participant), INP000004094 (Portfolio Manager), INH000001634 (Research Analyst).
In case of any grievances please write to [email protected] / SEBI Scores / Bank A/C